
Tarbaby/Dante Gordon Setters
Dan & Nina Tenaglia
14653 E. Broad St.
Reynoldsburg, Oh. 43068
(740) 927-4597

Tarbaby/Dante Gordon Setters was established in 1966 with the idea of producing the best quality dogs that can still do what they were originally bred to do.  Much thought and planning goes into each breeding.  Every effort has been made to produce well balanced, healthy, multi-purpose dogs that can do whatever is asked of them, and look good doing it.  Dogs that we have bred, owned, trained, or carry Tarbaby/Dante blood have successfully competed in the show ring, in obedience trials, in field trials, in hunting tests, in tracking, in agility, as support dogs for the handicapped, as search and rescue dogs, as certified therepy dogs, as Delta dogs, and most importantly as "family pets".  These dogs have done everything from being "Best-in-Show", "High-in-Trial" at the National Specialty, "Best-in-Sweeps" at the National Specialty, to being the first AKC titled Gordon Setter in agility and still the only Gordon to achiece her "Master".  We are justly proud of our dogs, and their offspring as well as the achievements they have made.

Our puppies receive the best of veterinary care, are fed quality food, are well socialized, and the housebreaking process begun.  We ask that you continue this in order to have a valuable addition to your family.

Beginning at 5-6 weeks of age our puppies receive their first shots.  We strongly urge that the puppy continue to receive shots at 2 week intervals until they are 16 weeks of age, at which time they should receive their rabies shot.  We also suggest that the puppy be inoculated against corona, bordatellae, and receive a booster at 5 months of age for parvo.  Our puppies have also been checked for "worms".  However, continued vigilance is recommended with periodic checks.  Yearly check-ups, and booster shots are strongly urged.  We also highly recommend the use of a heartworm/flea preventative such as "Spectrum".

As long standing obedience instructors, we strongly urge you to take your puppy for lessons.  It is great socialization, and teaches them how to be better members of your household.

Puppies are introduced to crates.  Dogs are naturally "den" animals, and  a crate is a substitute den.  Crate training is an important first step in the housebreaking process.  It is also an important safety measure for your furniture, your social life such as when company or relatives visit, and for your puppy.  Please follow the ensuing housebreaking tips, and you should end up with a reliable dog in the house.
1. Take puppy out first thing in the morning
2. Take puppy out after every meal
3. Take puppy out after big drinks of water
4. Take puppy out after play periods.
5. Take puppy out after waking from naps
6. Do not feed or water puppy for 3-4 hours before bed-time
7. Take puppy out last thing before going to bed.
8. Have puppy sleep in a confined space such as a crate.
9. Praise puppy whenever puppy "goes" where it supposed to
10.Teach puppy a command to go when it is outside.
If you are faithful in following this schedule, there will be few if any "accidents" in the house.  Crates are also great for traveling in the car as they act as the dogs safety belt, potentially saving their life, or yours.
Note: Dogs are like a 2 year old child.  Please do not leave them unattended, or unsupervised.  Left to their own devices, they will get into "trouble".

We recommend that you feed a high quality dog food such as Iams, Purina Hi-Pro, or Purina One.  We do not endorse grocery store brands.  Please be aware that more of something is not always better,  some foods are too rich for the average dog.  They can be designed for the dog that is being heavily campaigned, or exercised.  Feeding a puppy such high powered foods may make them grow too fast, or lead to other health problems.  Puppies should be fed 3-4 times a day in sufficient quantity to maintain good weight but not be fat.  As an adult, feedings may be reduced to 1-2 times a day.  We feed 2 times per day, serving moistened kibble with an occasional dollop of canned food.  Food is put down for 10 minutes.  Food that remains is picked up and put in the refrigerator.  Monitoring your dogs food intake is one of the best ways to determine the health status.  Controlled feeding is also  a great benefit to the housebreaking process.  Note:  Feeding your puppy in its crate is the best place to feed them.

Breeders Responsibilities:
1. Provide you with a puppy/adult that is free from any known genetic faults,or other health issues unless otherwise specified at time of purchase.
2. Start housebreaking process.
3. Socialization well started.
4. Innoculations are current and up to date.
5. Answer any and all questions about care/training before or after puchase.
6. Offer 2 free groomings/year at breeders place of residence and/or breeders convenience.
7.  Breeder will take back dog when/if you can no longer keep dog.  Depending upon age and condition of returned dog, purchase price will be refunded, minus associated costs of re-placement.  If breeder decides to retain possesion of dog, you receive a full refund.
8. You will receive AKC litter registration papers/or registration papers.
9. You will receive a pedigree.
10.  You will receive a puppy starter kit which includes helpful tips for raising your puppy/adult, and some food for transition to whatever food you elect to feed.
11. You will receive the puppy's veterinary record.

New Owner's Responsibilities:
1. Provide puppy/adult with adequate food, water, shelter.
2. Socialize dog.
3. Maintain veterinary care.
4. Never allow dog to run free unsupervised. (Dog should never be unsupervised outside of its crate/kennel run/fenced in yard.
5.  Spay/Neuter dog if not going to be used for breeding/showing.  If dog (provided it passes OFA certification) is to be bred, it can only be bred to another AKC registered Gordon Setter that has passed OFA certification.  Failure to abide by this provision will result in the immediate forfeiture of the dog and remaining puppies, its AKC papers signed back over to the breeder, and proceeds from the sale of any puppies donated to Gordon Setter Rescue.
6.  Puppy/adult is not to be given away, auctioned, donated, sold, or in any other way "placed" except with the original breeder.  Failure to abide by this provision will result in the immediate forfeiture of the dog, Its AKC papers signed back over to the breeder, and any proceeds from wrongful placement will be donated to Gordon Setter Rescue.  The dog comes back to us!!!
7.  Shipping is the owners responsibility.
8.  Must take puppy to vet for a check-up within 5 business days from date of purchase.
9.  Teach puppy/adult how to be valuable member of the household.
10. Dog must receive a microchip/tattoo and be registered with AKC.
11.  Dog must have either Tarbaby or Dante as the first word in its registered name.
12.  Agrees to abide by the GSCA "Code of Ethics".

I have read and understand and agree to the terms of the above mentioned conditions (except as specified below,) in regards to the following puppy/adult.
Registered Name:  __________________________________
Born:                        __________________________________
Sire:                         __________________________________
Dam                         __________________________________
Registration #         __________________________________

New owners signature:__________________________  Date__/__/__
Address                        __________________________
City/State/Zip               __________________________
Phone                           __________________________

Breeders Signature:   ___________________________ Date__/__/__
